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Only for reporting non-emergency cases. For emergency, please call 999 direct.

We will refer your complaint to the related bureaux or departments for follow-up. We will monitor the case progress and convey the reply to you upon the request by bureaux or departments. Understand the case processing of 1823

Clean-up of Refuses or Streets
Water Dripping outside Building Units
Obstruction and Hygiene Problems Caused by Food Premises
Repair and Cleansing of Public Lighting Facilities
Water Seepage inside the flat
Road Repair
Public Transport Services Staff & Service Quality
Illegal Parking in Public Housing Area
Non-emergency traffic offences
Other Complaints

Please provide the name of the relevant restaurant/shop


Type of restaurant


What is the problem?


Is the hot air / oily fume emitted from the concerned food premises also causing air pollution/odor problem?


If the problem persists, please indicate the time and frequency of occurrence (e.g. 7-8 am on Sunday morning)


Is there any obstruction to fire exits on streets / emergency vehicle access?


Have you submitted a case to 1823 regarding the same topic?


Case no./submission ID of your case (if available)


Supplementary Information


Case Location


Coordinates (Northing)


Coordinates (Easting)


Photo/File Upload








Best Time to Call


Disclosure of Personal Data


Reply Needed?
