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If you live in a building with a property management company, you may seek assistance from the property management company first in order to handle the water seepage problem promptly.

* Required

Complaint Subject

Water Seepage inside the flat

Please provide the information of the unit being disturbed by water seepage (e.g. Unit, Floor, Block, Building name etc)*

Complaint Subject

Water Seepage inside the flat

Where does the water seep from?


Is the water leeking out dirty?


Have you discovered the following problems around the seepage location?


How often does the water seepage occur (e.g. how many times per week) and when does it usually occur (e.g. in the morning or at night)?


Are you willing to allow the Government staff to enter your flat for investigation?


Have you submitted a case to 1823 regarding the same topic?


Case no./submission ID of your case (if available)


Supplementary Information


Case Location


Coordinates (Northing)


Coordinates (Easting)


Photo/File Upload








Best Time to Call


Disclosure of Personal Data


Reply Needed?
