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Registration marks that will not be allocated to the public
Any member of the public, as an individual or a limited company, may reserve any unassigned registration marks to be put up for auction held by the Transport Department, except for -

  • Registration marks with prefix "A", "F", "AM", "LC" or "ZG"; and 
  • Registration marks with any combination consisting of letters "I", "O" or "Q".

Types of vehicle registration marks available for auction and the approximate waiting time
The approximate waiting time from application submission to holding of auction for different types of vehicle registration marks is listed in the table below. Prior to an auction, the Transport Department will inform the applicants of the details of the auction.

Type of vehicle registration mark


Approximate waiting time

Application procedures

Special vehicle registration mark
(Commonly known as lucky numbers and are non-transferrable)

Consists of only a number of 4 digits at most

18, 2000

24 months or more

Please click here

Consists of two letters as prefix, followed by a number listed as a " Special registration mark"

NY 1000, PE 222, PA 1

24 months or more

Ordinary vehicle registration mark
(Transferrable together with the vehicle bearing the registration mark)

Consists of "HK"/"XX" as prefix, followed by a number of 4 digits at most that is not listed as a " Special registration mark"

HK 139, XX 1687

24 months or more

Consists of prefix other than "HK"/"XX", followed by a number of 4 digits at most that is not listed as a " Special registration mark"

AB 139, AC 1687

12 to 18 months or more

Please click here

Personalised vehicle registration mark
(Transferrable together with the vehicle bearing the registration mark)

Consist of not more than 8 letters (excluding "I", "O" or "Q"), numerals and blank space. Personalized vehicle registration mark combinations must not duplicate special vehicle registration marks or ordinary vehicle registration marks, and must meet the Basic Combination Requirements (PDF).


15 to 18 months or more

Please click here

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Last update: 22 May 2024
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