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"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.8


Public Holidays for 2025 is now available in 1823 Hong Kong Public Holidays iCal


  • 1823 Hong Kong Public Holidays iCal now provides public holidays data for 2023-25. You are welcome to subscribe to our iCal. For users who have already subscribed to our iCal, your mobile devices will automatically update the information of public holidays for 2022-24 to information of 2023-25 after synchronisation.

1823 has participated in the "SMS Sender Registration Scheme"


  • To help members of the public identify the SMS messages issued by 1823, 1823 has participated in the "SMS Sender Registration Scheme" of the Office of the Communications Authority.  Starting from 30 April 2024, 1823 will use the sender ID of "#1823_SMS" for issuing SMS messages.


Chatbot Tammy’s service enhanced



"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.7


"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.6


1823 wins Ombudsman's Award for Public Organisations and several customer service awards


  • 1823 was bestowed with The Ombudsman's Award for Public Organisations at the presentation ceremony of the 26th Ombudsman Awards in recognition of its quality services to the public. 1823 staff also received The Ombudsman's Award for Officer of Public Organisations for the 18th consecutive year.  Separately, 1823 also received the Silver Award for Best Customer Centre in Technology Application and the Bronze Award for Best Customer Centre in Digital Transformation at the 24th Hong Kong Customer Contact Association Awards Ceremony.  For details, please click here.


"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.5



Chatbot Tammy’s service enhanced



"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.4



"Tell me@1823 v2" Mobile App has launched version 2.1.3



Public Holidays for 2024 is now available in 1823 Hong Kong Public Holidays iCal


  • 1823 Hong Kong Public Holidays iCal now provides public holidays data for 2022-24. You are welcome to subscribe to our iCal. For users who have already subscribed to our iCal, your mobile devices will automatically update the information of public holidays for 2021-23 to information of 2022-24 after synchronisation.


About the Old “Tell me@1823” Mobile App


  • 1823 has launched a newly designed “Tell me@1823 v2” on 21 July 2022 and case submission and follow-up functions in the old mobile app have been de-supported since then. Starting from 15 May 2023, the server hosting the old app will cease operation and outdated notice will be displayed. Under certain circumstances, the mobile app may not work.

  • You are welcome to download the new app “Tell me@1823 v2” or use other channels to contact us to continue using our service.

  • Please note that the records of cases submitted through the old app will not be automatically migrated to the new app.  Please save your case records if necessary.

Last update: 2 Jul 2024

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