How to apply for "Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles"?
Transport DepartmentContents
About the Scheme
"Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles" (the Scheme) allows eligible Hong Kong private cars to travel between Hong Kong and Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). To achieve implementation of the Scheme in an orderly manner, the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong agreed to introduce limit on the number of applications to be processed. A computer ballot will be introduced to allocate the number of applications to be processed. The limit for first week after open to receiving applications is 200 applications per working day and the limit from second week will be 300 applications per working day.
Application eligibility and Documents required for Online Application
Applicants | |
| Documents Required
Drivers | |
Each applicant may designate no more than two drivers to drive the private car concerned between Hong Kong and Guangdong. One of the drivers could be the applicant. Eligibility
| Documents Required
Vehicles |
Application procedures and Fees
Application procedures |
Step 1: Register for computer ballot and Submit online application (note)
Step 2: Application Processing by the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong
Step 3: Arrange appointment on travelling and departure to Guangdong
Fees |
For other details of the Scheme, please refer to the website of the Scheme.