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Service Performance

1823 Performance


Utilisation of Online FAQs and Handling of Voice/ Written Contacts

 January - June 2024
Utilisation of Online FAQs (Note)2 103 379
No. of Voice Contacts1 298 249
No. of Written Contacts423 971
Average Call Handling Time440 seconds
Calls Answered within 12 Seconds (Target>=80%, Planning Target)81%
Call Abandoned Rate (Target<10%)7%
Customer Satisfaction (5-points scale) (Target>=4.0)4.59

Note: It refers to the number of page views of frequently-asked-questions (FAQs) webpages of 1823 participating departments.  This website maintains the FAQs on the services provided by 23 participating departments of 1823 for self-service by the public.



Case Profile

Enquiry Handling

 January - June 2024
No. of Enquiry Cases835 363
First Call Resolution of Enquiry (Target>=95%)99%


Complaint Handling

 January - June 2024
No. of Complaint Cases (Note)318 636
% Complaints Assigned within 3 Hours (Target>70%)97%
% Complaints Involved more than One Department3%

Note: Including cases related to the request for government services.


The 1823 service requests and performance data have been uploaded to, please click herefor details.

Last update: 11 Jul 2024