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How to apply for road excavation permit if excavation works is required?

Highways Department

The Highways Department (HyD) is responsible for the control of excavation on public roads. HyD exercises control over excavation on public roads through a permit system whereby the street excavation promoter is required to obtain from HyD an excavation permit prior to commencement of excavation work.

For Utility Undertakers applying for emergency road openings under urgent situations, please call Highways Department 24 Hours hotline 2926 4111 (The hotline is handled by 1823).

To apply for non-emergency excavation in Tsing Ma and Tsing Sha Control Areas, please make reference to the Highways Department website - Public Formsor contact the Government Monitoring Team of Tsing Ma Control Area and Tsing Sha Control Area under the Structures Division of Highways Department (Tel no. 2436 5112).

To apply for non-emergency excavation in other locations, please refer to the chart on Excavation Permit Application Process and the following for further information :


Before Submitting an Application

Before submitting an application for excavation permit, you should :

  1. Register the excavation works with HyD. User of the Excavation Permit Management System (XPMS) needs to register through the system. For non-XPMS applicants, please complete the Application for Proposed Excavation Registration Form (HYD 97) (PDF) and submit it in person or by post to the Excavation Permit Section (according to the location of the excavation) with the following documents -
    • 2 copies of layout plan
    • Permit period assessment with details of the programme of the proposed excavation works
    • A copy of the applicant's identification card, or a copy of the business registration certificate
    • A copy of the contractor's business registration certificate
  2. Seek the agreement from the relevant Government departments on the proposed excavation. For details please see Excavation Permit Processing Manual Appendix 2-1-2; and
  3. Submit the detailed the excavation plan to the parties listed in Table 1 and 2 in Appendix in the Conditions of Excavation Permit, to request for indication of their existing installations in the vicinity, and invite them to conduct works during the same period.
  4. If HyD is satisfied with the preparations, the applicant can apply for excavation permit. The applicant needs to apply to HyD at least 18 working days ahead but no more than 120 calendar days before the proposed commencement date of the work.


  1. Excavation Permit Application Form (HYD 14) (PDF)
  1. Application Form for Expressway Works Permit (HYD 90) (PDF)


Supporting Documents
  1. 4 copies of layout plan
  2. Permit period assessment with details of the programme of the proposed excavation works 
  3. Records of existing utilities in the vicinity provided by the relevant utility undertakings
  4. A coordinated programme with other utility undertakings
  5. Documents to show that the proposed works have been approved by relevant Government departments
  6. A copy of the applicant's identification card, or a copy of the business registration certificate
  7. A copy of the contractor's business registration certificate


Application Procedure



The fee for issue of excavation permit is $2,360, and a daily charge of $40 to cover each day of the permit duration.


Payment Method
  • XPMS User: Phone Payment Service (PPS), Internet payment, or PayThruPost Service at Post Office
  • Nom-XPMS user: Cheque payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region"


Processing Time

Highways Department will complete the application for an excavation permit within 12 working days


Other Enquiries

For detailed procedures for excavation permit application and other information, please contact the following section of Highways Department -

  • Urban Region (Hong Kong Office)
    7th Floor, North Point Government Offices,
    333 Java Road, Hong Kong
    Fax: 2576 6244
    Telephone: 2231 5632 / 2231 5814
  • Urban Region (Kowloon Office)
    13th Floor, Nan Fung Commercial Centre,
    19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
    Fax: 2758 3394
    Telephone: 2707 7237 / 2707 7281
  • New Territories Region Office
    19th Floor, One Sky Parc, 53 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
    Fax: 2714 5228
    Telephone: 3565 1847 / 3565 4202
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Last update: 19 Jan 2024
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