How to obtain information on how to manage and maintain private slopes?
Civil Engineering and Development DepartmentThe lack of maintenance is the major contributory factor to many landslips in Hong Kong. Though the original design and construction of the slope is up to standard, a slope that is not well maintained will deteriorate. In time, it may become unstable and collapse, causing injury to persons and damage to property. If this happens, suffering and hardship may result, and great expense may be incurred to the slope owner in compensating for the damage and in reinstating the ground and buildings to make it safe.
Government slopes are maintained by the relevant Government Department, while private slope owners are responsible for the maintenance of their private slops.
Civil Engineering and Development Department has published a " Layman's Guide to Slope Maintenance" to assist private slope owners in learning more about the arrangement, supervision and review for slope maintenance. More information is available in the website of " Hong Kong Slope Safety". Enquiries can be directed to the Community Advisory Unit by telephone at 2760 5800, or by email to