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Eligibility for application

  1. A vehicle licence holder should renew his/her licence within the period which starts from 4 months before the expiry date of the current licence to 2 years after the licence has been expired.  If the licence is renewed after the expiry date, an additional fee will apply to the unlicensed period. For details, please click here.

  2. If you have court fines to pay, you must settle the outstanding court fines before renewing your driving licence. Please click here,if you need to pay court fines, or have settled the court fines by cheque within the last 7 working days from today.  If you are uncertain whether you need to pay any fine, please call the enquiry hotline of Transport Department at 2804 2600 (This hotline is handled by 1823 Call Centre).

  3. For the purpose of renewal, if the vehicle is required to be examined, the vehicle examination should be done before submission of application. For details, please click here.

If you wish to enquire about the renewal of vehicle licence for vehicle running only within Lantau Island, please call the enquiry hotline of Transport Department at 2804 2600 (This hotline is handled by 1823 Call Centre).

Application procedures  


Fill out the appropriate form:

While you are filling out the form, please note that:

  1. the signature on the application form should conform with that on the Vehicle Registration Document;
  2. if the registered vehicle owner (the Owner) is a limited company (the Company), the application form must be signed by a person authorized by the Company concerned and stamped with the Company's chop; and
  3. if the Owner cannot sign the form, he/she may appoint an authorized agent (the Agent) to sign for him/her. However, the Agent must present the original authorization letter (the Letter) and the signature on the Letter should conform with that on the Vehicle Registration Document. The Letter should include the name and identity card number of the Agent. The Letter should also state that the Agent has been authorized to sign and submit the renewal application. The Transport Department will keep the Letter as a record.



4 months/1 year (Depending on applicant's choice) 


Supporting documents

You must submit all of the following documents.

  1. Identity proof of the Owner (Original/Copy)
  • HK identity card, or passport (Citizens of mainland China may present their passports and visas issued by the mainland government, but identity cards issued by the mainland government will not be accepted.), or
  • If the Owner is a limited company, a Certificate of Incorporation is required;
  1. Vehicle Registration Document (Original) (if lost, please apply for a duplicate; applications for renewal and duplicate can be made at the same time);
  2. Valid Third Party Risks Insurance Policy/Cover Note (Original/Copy)
  • The Owner must be the policy holder and the insurance shall be valid on the date when the renewed licence is to become effective. e.g. If the expiry date of the current vehicle licence is 30 July, the effective date of the renewed licence (i.e. 31 July) must be covered by insurance; and

  • Not applicable to trailer; 

  1. Address Proof (Original/Copy); and
  2. Certificate of Roadworthiness (COR)/Certificate of Fitness (COF) (Original)
  • The certificate is valid for 4 months from the date of issue and the validity period should cover the date when the renewed licence is to become effective, otherwise the vehicle has to be examined again. 
  • If lost, please apply for a duplicate.

  • Notice given to the Owner who opts to renew the vehicle licence for 4 months: In applying f or the 1 st 4-month vehicle licence, the Transport Department will issue a memorandum listing date of next renewal to the applicant who can later present this memorandum for the 2 nd and the 3 rd renewal, with vehicle examinations exempted. This arrangement is ONLY for the applicant who consecutively applies for 3 renewals of 4-month licences. If there is any time gap between the three renewals within the 12-month period, the vehicle has to be examined again, in order to get a new certificate for application of renewal. If t he memorandum is lost, there is no need to apply for a duplicate, since the department has the record.


Means of submission
  1.  Apply online (Applicable to applicants with  'iAM Smart+' account or valid digital certificate) (For details, please refer to the promotional video);
  2. In person to any Licensing Office. An appointment booking service is available for vehicle licence renewal on phone (Tel: 3763 8080) andthe Internet. The appointment can be made 10 weeks in advance. After making the appoinment successfully, the applicants shall visit the Licensing Office concerned at the scheduled time. If the application is submitted by an agent, the agent shall produce his/her own original identity document for record purposes ;
  3. By mail to Shatin Licensing Office, P.O. Box no.79, Shatin Central Post Office (You are strongly advised to send by registered mail to avoid loss of documents); or
  4. By drop-in box at any Licensing Office



Table of fee for vehicle licence


Payment method
  1. For online application, the payment of fee should be settled by credit card, FPS or PPS.
  2. For applications submitted in person to the Licensing Office, the Transport Department only accepts the following payment methods:
    1. Cash;
    2. FPS;
    3. EPS;or
    4. Crossed cheque payable to “The Government of the HKSAR”.
  3. For application by post, the payment of fee should be settled by crossed cheque.


Processing time

Depending on submission method:

  1. In person to Licensing Office: To be issued on the same day; or
  2. Others: To be sent to applicants by registered mail within 10 working days from the date of receipt of application.


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Last update: 22 May 2024
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