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If my business/school/organisation would like to organise some publicity events related to smoking ban, would the Department of Health provide any assistance?

Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office, Department of Health

If businesses, schools and organisations would like to organise publicity events related to smoking ban, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office of the Department of Health (TACO) could provide the following assistance:

  • Lending exhibition boards

TACO has produced a set of exhibition boards about designated no smoking areas and the themes of the exhibition boards are as follows:

Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance Exhibition Boards on Designated No Smoking Areas
Application Form TCOF046)

  • Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance
  • Designated No Smoking Areas
  • Enforcement of the Ordinance
  • Hazards of Smoking and Secondhand Smoke
  • Smoking Cessation Services
  • Provision of Posters/ Pamphlets

TACO has produced a variety of posters and pamphlets for distribution.  The contents include the hazards of smoking and second-hand smoke, smoking cessation messages and legislations related to tobacco control, etc. For details of the materials, please click here

  • Organising Talks

TACO could conduct talks on smoking ban or smoking cessation at venues arranged by the business, school or organisation.  Contents of the talks are as follows:

Seminar on Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance
Application Form TCOF035E )

Smoking Cessation Talk
Application Form )

  • Smoking situation in Hong Kong
  • Brief Introduction of Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance
  • Duties and power of "Manager"
  • Guidelines on handling smoking offence
  • Harmful effects of smoking and secondhand smoke
  • Case discussion
  • Smoking situation in Hong Kong                                                
  • Harmful effects of smoking and secondhand smoke
  • Methods of quitting smoking
  • Medications for quitting smoking
  • Brief introduction of smoking cessation services
  • Carbon monoxide measurement


Please complete the appropriate application form if you would like to seek assistance from TACO. The forms can be submitted:

  • By Fax:2575 8944
  • By Post:Room 1801-1803, 18/F, Wing On Kowloon Centre, 345 Nathan Road, Kowloon
  • By email:
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Last update: 6 Feb 2024
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