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Are employees entitled to sickness allowance if medical certificate can be presented?

Labour Department


Eligibility for Sickness Allowance

According to the Employment Ordinance, an employee who has been employed by his/her employer under a continuous contract, shall be eligible for a sickness allowance (a sum equivalent to four-fifths of his/her average daily wages) if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  1. the sick leave taken is not less than four consecutive days (unless for any day off taken by a female employee for her pregnancy check-ups, post confinement medical treatment or miscarriage, any such day on which she is absent shall be counted as a sickness day and, subject to the following conditions, be paid sickness allowance );
  2. he/she has accumulated sufficient number of paid sickness days(please refer to 'Accumulation of Paid Sickness Days' and 'Categories of Paid Sickness Days');and
  3. the sick leave is supported by any one of the documentary proof:
Type of documentary proofRequirements of documentary proof
(i)     medical certificate
  • should specify the number of days on which, and the nature of the sickness or injury on account of which, the employee is unfit for work

(ii)   certificate of attendance (regarding an employee’s medical examination in relation to her pregnancy, may also be supported by a certificate of attendance issued by a registered medical practitioner, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner, a registered midwife or a registered nurse, apart from a medical certificate)

  • should state the employee’s attendance for a medical examination in relation to her pregnancy and the relevant date

(iii) proof regarding the absence from work of an employee by reason of his / her compliance with a specific anti-epidemic requirement with a movement restriction imposed under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599), (please refer to 'Categories of Paid Sickness Days').

  • applicable to sickness days taken by employees who are absent from work by reason of their compliance with a movement restriction on or after 17 June 2022
  • the specific anti-epidemic requirements with a movement restriction are those prescribed in Part 1, Schedule 12 of the Employment Ordinance   
  • the proofs of the relevant requirements include hard copy or electronic form of document, or an electronic data issued by the Government
  • the relevant proof should show the name of the employee, or information that could identify the identity of employee, the type of movement restriction imposed and the commencement and expiry dates of such restriction

Sickness allowance should be paid to the employee not later than the normal pay day.  An employer who without reasonable excuse fails to pay sickness allowance to an employee is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a fine of $50,000.



Calculation of Sickness Allowance

The daily rate of sickness allowance (i.e. sick leave allowance) is a sum equivalent to four-fifths of the average daily wages earned by an employee in the 12-month period preceding the specified dates.  If an employee is employed for less than 12 months, the calculation shall be based on the shorter period. The specified dates are:

Day(s) of Sickness day(s)Specified Dates
1 dayThe sickness day
More than 1 consecutive daysThe first sickness day

Please note that when calculating the average daily wages, an employer has to exclude (i) the periods for which an employee is not paid his/her wages or full wages, including rest day, statutory holiday, annual leave, sickness day, maternity leave, sick leave due to work injuries or leave taken with the agreement of the employer, and any normal working day on which the employee is not provided by the employer with work; together with (ii) the sum paid to the employee for such periods.

You may refer to the "12-Month Average Wages Calculator" on Labour Department's website to calculate the 12-month average daily wage, or “ A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance - Appendix 1” (PDF) for more information.


Exceptional Circumstances

An employee shall not be entitled to sickness allowance under the following circumstances:

  1. the employee, without reasonable excuse, refuses treatment by a company doctor of a medical scheme recognised by the Director of Health or disregards the advice of the doctor. (If the recognised scheme of medical treatment operated by an employer does not cover treatment from a certain medical discipline, the employee may choose to receive treatment from any registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner or registered dentist under that particular discipline);
  2. the sickness days fall on statutory holidays on which the employee is entitled to holiday pay; or
  3. the employee is suffering from work injury and is entitled to compensation payable under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance.



Accumulation of Paid Sickness Days

An employee can accumulate paid sickness days after having been employed under a continuous contract. Paid sickness days are accumulated at the rate of two paid sickness days for each completed month of the employee's employment during the first 12 months, and four paid sickness days for each completed month of employment thereafter. Paid sickness days can be accumulated throughout the whole employment period, but shall not exceed 120 days at any one time.



Categories of Paid Sickness Days

Paid sickness days are divided into two categories. Paid sickness days can first be accumulated up to 36 days in Category 1 and then 84 days in Category 2.

CategoryTotal number Conditions for taking paid sickness day(s)
Category 136
  • supported by a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner or a registered dentist
  • regarding an employee’s medical examination in relation to her pregnancy, may also be supported by a certificate of attendance issued by a registered medical practitioner, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner, a registered midwife or a registered nurse, apart from a medical certificate
  • regarding the absence from work of an employee for compliance with a specific anti-epidemic requirement with a movement restriction, the employee is required to produce proof of the relevant requirement
Category 284
  • sickness days taken exceeds the number of paid sickness days remaining in Category 1
  • if required by the employer, a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner or registered dentist attending the employee as an out-patient or in-patient in a hospital should be produced upon the employer’s request, a brief record of the investigation carried out and the treatment prescribed by the issuer of the medical certificate should also be produced
  • regarding an employee’s medical examination in relation to her pregnancy, may also produce a certificate of attendance issued by a registered medical practitioner, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner, a registered midwife or a registered nurse who conducts the examination for the employee as an out-patient or inpatient in a hospital, apart from a medical certificate
  • regarding the absence from work of an employee for compliance with a specific anti-epidemic requirement with a movement restriction, irrespective of whether the paid sickness day taken by the employee is under Category 1 or Category 2, the employee is only required to produce proof of the relevant requirement


This is not a legal document. The Ordinance remains the sole authority for the provisions of the law explained.

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Last update: 26 Jun 2024
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