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How do successful applicants of the Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme (KCFRS) and Grant for School-related Expenses for Kindergarten Students (Grant-KG) receive tuition fee remission/grant?

Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency

Applicants may view the video clips for details of the KCFRS and Grant-KG.

Payment arrangement of KCFRS

  • The SFO will compute the fee remission for the applicants in accordance with the level of assistance assessed (50%, 75% and 100%) using the AFI formula.  The amount of fee remission will be calculated according to annual school fee after deducting the government subsidies under the KG education scheme.
  • The effective month of fee remission will be the month in which the application forms are submitted by the applicants, or the month in which the student-applicants are admitted to the kindergarten/child care centres, whichever is the later.
  • The approved amount of fee remission will be paid to the kindergartens / child care centres concerned directly by the Treasury in about 10 working days after the issue of notification of result. Payment to applicants will then be arranged by the kindergartens / child care centres.

Payment arrangement of Grant-KG

  • The SFO will release the grant for the 2024/25 school year by autopay to eligible applicants starting from end September 2024 at the earliest.


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Last update: 3 Jun 2024
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