How to check Public Rental Housing allocation status?
Hong Kong Housing Authority & Housing DepartmentApplicants can check the information about the PRH applications currently under investigation and applications that have accepted public housing offers by the following ways:
Note: The approximate highest numbers of PRH applications (applicable to ordinary families applications)/ lowest scores of applications (applicable to non-elderly one person applications) that have accepted public housing offers announced by HD monthly are for reference only. This does not mean that all applications with numbers registered before the highest application numbers/ with scores higher than the lowest scores have been offered a flat. In addition, the waiting time will be affected by a number of unforeseeable factors, including:
- districts, size, quantity and time of flats returned to HD
- whether applicants with priority in the list accepted the allocated flats
- whether applicants of various districts change their order in the list as a result of addition or deletion of family members or changing PRH district choice etc.
Thus the waiting time for PRH applicants in each district will be shortened or lengthened. Based on the above, HD cannot provide the estimated time of flat allocation for applicants.