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Dog owners must inform Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) within 5 days of change of ownership. Common scenario for change in dog ownership includes: dog owner deceased, dog owner gave the dog to another person, bought a dog aged over 5 months from a pet shop, etc. AFCD will issue a new dog licence to the new dog owner.


Holding original valid dog licence

  1. Original dog licence. Existing and new owner should complete and sign columns 1 and 2 at the back of the dog licence; AND
  2. Proof of identity of new dog owner

Loss of original Dog Licence

An existing dog owner has to inform AFCD in writing that he/she agrees to change the holder of the dog licence. The existing dog owner should provide information of both the existing and the new dog owner (including name, ID card no. telephone no. and address), dog licence no., microchip no. together with ID card copies of both existing and new dog owners. Both existing and new dog owners should sign on this letter. If new dog owner cannot provide the above information, please contact 1823 or any one of the AMCs.

Dog owner deceased

Immediate family member should provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of dog owner's death certificate; AND
  2. Copy of proof of relationship (e.g. Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate)
Means of Submission
  1. By mail to AFCD Animal Management (Operations) Division
    Address: 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
  2. New dog owner should bring his/her ID card or authorize someone (must present a signed authorization letter and ID card copy of new dog owner) together with the required document to AMC in person.

Free of Charge

Processing Time
  1. By mail: Dog licence will be issued within 14 days
  2. In person to AMC: AFCD may issue the dog licence on the same day (Depends on the real situation of the case)
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Last update: 17 Sep 2019
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