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How to setup, cancel or modify the autopay instruction for Rates and Government Rent payments?

Rating and Valuation Department

Setting up autopay forsettling rates and/or Government rent
Except for the payment for the first demand note for interim valuation, payers can arrange with the bank for autopay of rates and/or Government rent from a designated bank account (credit card account not accepted).

Payers are required to complete a “Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Rates and/or Government Rent” (RVD1008) (PDF) and send it to the bank to set up the autopay arrangement.

Setting up autopay arrangement takes 4 weeks in general. After autopay arrangement has been successfully set up, the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) will send a notice to the payer. The demand notes for rates and/or Government rent thereafter will be printed with “payment to be made by autopay” with the date of the payment.

Cancellation of autopay forsettling rates and/or Government rent
For payers who have already set up autopay arrangement for settling rates and/or Government rent, the procedure for cancellation of autopay is as follows -

1. Request the bank to cancel the autopay arrangement; and
2. Complete “Cancellation of Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Rates and/or Government Rent” (RVD1008A) (PDF) and submit to the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) through one of the following ways -

  • By email:
  • By fax: 2152 0113
  • By post: 15/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

RVD requires about 1 week to process the request for cancellation of autopay. After the cancellation is completed, if there is any outstanding balance in the account, RVD will issue a demand note for rates and/or Government rent, printed with “autopay has been cancelled”. After cancellation of autopay, the payer is required to settle payment through other means before the due date.

If the cancellation request is received after 24 th of January, April, July and October, the processing of the request will not be completed before the payment due date of that quarter.

Autopay terminated by RVD
In the following circumstances, the instruction for autopay will be terminated by RVD –

  • The name of the payer for rates and/or Government rent was changed
  • If there is dishonoured autopay for 2 consecutive quarters, RVD will send a notice to inform the payer. If autopay is rejected again in the coming quarter, RVD will terminate the autopay instruction.

After termination of autopay by RVD, the payer has to set up the autopay arrangement again if required.

Changing bank account for autopay
For payers who have already set up autopay for settling rates and/or Government rent, if they want to use another bank account for autopay, the following procedures are necessary -

1. Cancel the original autopay instruction with the bank
2. Complete “Cancellation of Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Rates and/or Government Rent” (RVD1008A) (PDF) to cancel the original autopay instruction, and submit to the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) through one of the following ways -

  • By email:
  • By fax: 2152 0113
  • By post: 15/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

3. Complete “Direct Debit Authorization for Payment of Rates and/or Government Rent” (RVD1008) (PDF) and send it to the bank to set up the new autopay arrangement.

RVD requires about 4 weeks to cancel the original autopay arrangement and set up new autopay arrangement. After the cancellation is completed, if there is any outstanding balance in the account, RVD will issue a demand note for rates and/or Government rent, printed with “autopay has been cancelled”. After autopay arrangement has been successfully set up, RVD will send a notice to the payer. The demand notes for rates and/or Government rent thereafter will be printed with “payment to be made by autopay” with the date of the payment.

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Last update: 1 Nov 2023
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