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Members of the public may, subject to the approval of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), scatter cremated human ashes in 3 designated areas of Hong Kong waters, including east of Tap Mun, east of Tung Lung Chau and south of West Lamma Channel (for the boundaries of the 3 designated areas for scattering cremains at sea, please click here). If the application is approved, the scattering of cremated human ashes shall only take place at the approved time, on the approved date and within the approved Designated Area. No food, ritual offerings or any other object shall be thrown into the sea except the cremated ashes of the deceased and a handful (the amount of flower petals that a 250ml container can contain, about the capacity of a rice bowl) of natural flower petals as approved.

Free Ferry Service for Scattering Cremains
As the free ferry service for scattering cremated ashes at sea is well received by the public, the FEHD further increased the number of sailings to once every Saturday (except public holiday). The vessel will depart at 9am from North Point (East) Passenger Ferry Pier on the designated mornings to south of the West Lamma Channel or east of Tung Lung Chau. Each ferry trip can accommodate 25 applicants, and each applicant can bring up to ten family members, relatives or friends on board. Applicants who wish to bring more relatives and friends may contact the FEHD for suitable arrangement whenever situation permits. Applicant or the person authorised by the applicant can select any designated ferry schedules within 10 weeks from the date of submitting the application form.

Application procedures

Application period 

The application should be submitted to FEHD at least 10 days before the proposed date for the scattering of cremated ashes.


The applicant must be the same person as the one who collected the cremated ashes as mentioned in the “Permit to take away cremated ashes”.  The applicant can authorise a person to act on his or her behalf in written format. The authorised person should provide the original written authorisation signed by the Permit Holder and a copy of the Permit Holder’s identification document for verification when making the application.


Application for Scattering of Cremated Human Ashes in Hong Kong Waters (FEHB198) 

Documents required
  1. The completed application form;  
  2. The original of the “Permit to take away cremated ashes” (Not applicable to those ashes still being kept in Government crematoria);  
  3. A copy of the Hong Kong Identity Card of the deceased; and 
  4. On top of the above, if the applicant is not the holder of the “Permit to Take Away Cremated Ashes”, he/ she should also bring along the original written authorization signed by the Permit Holder and a copy of the Permit Holder’s identification document for verification.
Submission method

The applicant or the authorised person should submit the application to any one of the following offices of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Section, FEHD.
For application made by fax, post or e-form, FEHD will contact the applicant to arrange for the free ferry service (if applicable) and the return of the original copy of the “Permit to Take Away Cremated Ashes” upon receipt of the form.


Processing time
FEHD will normally approve the application within 5 working days from the date of receipt of an application.
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Last update: 5 Jul 2024
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