How to handle animal nuisance caused by wild animals?
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentFor any emergency situation or if an animal poses threats to life and property, please call 999 or the nearby police station.
What kind of animals causes nuisance to you?
You may contact 1823 for information of other animals.
Generally, wild pigs are afraid of human beings. However, if wild pigs are provoked or threatened, they can be aggressive. Therefore, if you see a wild pig, you should keep calm and stay away from it. Do not throw objects at the wild pig or arouse its attention.
If you are disturbed by a wild pig or a wild pig is trapped in the urban area, you may call 1823 to notify the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) for follow up. AFCD will investigate and provide advice to avoid wild pigs. AFCD will help drive away or catch the wild pig if needed. When a wild pig is found at the scene posing threats to life and property, you may report to the police by calling 999 for emergency assistance.
AFCD does not provide services to catch or drive away wild pigeons. You may handle wild pigeons in the following ways:
- Employ private pest control companies
- Stop feeding pigeon
- Management office's measures
- Habitat modification
I. Employ private pest control companies
Pigeons are not protected wild animals.
There are private pest control companies which provide services to handle wild pigeons. You may hire such companies if necessary.
However, this is not the long term solution. Wherever birds are removed, new birds from the surrounding areas will quickly move in to take their places. Pigeons will always come back to places where food and roosting sites are readily available.
II. Stop Feeding Pigeons
Pigeons will not stay as long as there is no food supply.
III. Measures Taken by Property Management Office
- Erect signs discouraging feeding of pigeons by the tenants
- Install a needle-shape facility at the roof-top to stop pigeons from roosting.
IV. Habitat Modification
Disabling pigeons' nesting and roosting sites is the most effective, safe, economical and humane way. Continuous cleaning of the relevant premises is helpful to tackle the problem.
Notice: It is not recommended to use poisons to exterminate pigeons. Use of poisons can be extremely dangerous to humans, especially children, as well as to pets and other wildlife.
Also, gloves should be worn while cleaning up birds droppings. Face and hands should be washed after contact with the birds or their droppings. It requires public's cooperation to solve the problem of feral pigeon nuisance, so please stop feeding pigeons.
In general, monkeys do not actively disturb people. In order to avoid nuisance caused by monkeys, you should not feed any wild monkeys. You should also hide all plastic bags away and put them in other types of bags. Avoid eating while monkeys are watching you. Besides, you should avoid staring at monkeys as they are aggressive. When you meet monkeys at country parks, you should move slowly, quietly and keep some distance from them. Do not approach monkeys, especially baby monkeys, and keep children away from them. If you are disturbed by monkeys in country park, please call 1823 to inform AFCD.
If you find monkeys foraging in the estates, you should notify the estate management office to chase the monkeys away. Public should properly handle the refuse at outdoor areas to prevent monkeys from searching for food. These help to stop monkeys from returning to foraging in the residential area. If property management staff fails to chase away the monkeys, please call 1823 to inform AFCD.
For more information on handling stray monkeys or requesting staff of AFCD to demonstrate tools and techniques in chasing monkeys, staff of property management companies / organizations may call 1823 for details.
AFCD does not provide services to trap or chase snakes. Public may contact the nearby police station or call 999 for emergency assistance. Police will request professional snake catcher to catch snakes at the location if necessary. Besides, there are some pest control companies which provide similar services. If any snake poses threats to life and property, please report to the police by calling 999 for emergency assistance.
Most of the snake species retain gentle temperament. U nless they are disturbed or defending their territories, under normal circumstances snakes do not actively attack or remain close to people. You should take precaution measures to keep your premises and surrounding environment clean and tidy, clear any possible space for snake to hide. You should also clear refuse, fill up holes and cracks on ground or wall, trim or properly clear wilted branches and overgrown vegetation to eliminate the harborage of snakes. Moreover, you should block the drain connected into the house or chain link fence to avoid snakes from entering the house.