Whall shall I do if wasps/wild bees nest is discovered?
Food and Environmental Hygiene DepartmentThe Pest Control Teams of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is responsible for the control of rodents, mosquitoes and other arthropod pests with medical importance, such as flies, cockroaches, fleas, biting midges, ticks and mites.
Wasps/wild bees are not major disease vectors. They will not transmit human disease and will not impose serious danger to public health. FEHD is providing wasps/wild bees disinfestation services to public places. However, the services would not be provided to private or public residential premises appointed with building management companies, as well as all private non-residential premises. The building management companies may devise wasps/wild bees nest removal work or provide support to the owner/occupier concerned in accordance with the deed of mutual covenant. Pest control companies are available for choice by building management companies for providing wasps/wild bees disinfestation services if necessary.
Members of the public may contact FEHD 24-hour Hotline 2868 0000 (handled by 1823) if wasps/wild bees disinfestation services is required. If possible, please provide information such as the size, location and height of wasps/wild bees nest to facilitate FEHD’s follow up actions.