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How to lodge a complaint to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department if the food consumed at a food premise is not hygienic?

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is responsible for overseeing the food sold in Hong Kong is safe, hygiene and fit for human consumption.  

Members of the public may lodge a complaint to FEHD if the food consumed at a food premise is unsanitary or contains substances not suitable for human consumption. Members of the public should seek for medical treatment as soon as possible if they feel unwell after eating.  If the case is confirmed by medical officers as food poisoning, the clinic or hospital will report the case to FEHD and the Centre for Health Protection for follow up actions and investigation.    

Members of the public may contact FEHD 24-hour Hotline 2868 0000 (which is handled by “1823”) if they want to lodge food complaints.  The complaint cases will be handled by duty FEHD health inspector(s).  Health inspector(s) will contact the complainant and advise him or her how to handle food exhibit.  If the complainant would like to wait for health inspector(s) at the concerned food premise, please note that the waiting time will depend on the situation and please ask the health inspector(s) for details.

After conducting initial investigation, the Food Surveillance and Control Division of FEHD will contact the complainant if necessary.

Food premises may be prosecuted by FEHD if they violate public health ordinance. 

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Last update: 23 Feb 2024
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