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How to apply for a full driving licence after the probationary driving period?

Transport Department



Application period

The Holder of a probationary driving licence (applicable to motor cycle, motor tricycle, private car or light goods vehicle) should submit an application for a full driving licence within 3 years from the date of completion of the probationary driving period; otherwise he must re-take and pass the relevant driving tests again to obtain a new probationary driving licence, and complete the requisite probationary driving period before making the application again.


Application procedures

Means of Submission
  • Online application:  an 'iAM Smart+' account with digital signing function or a valid personal digital certificate is required for online application; 
  • by mail to P.O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Kowloon (You are advised to send by registered mail);
  • by drop-in box at any Licensing Office (no stamp is required); or 
  • in person to any Licensing Office.  An appointment booking service is available through the Internetor by phone (Tel: 3763 8080). The appointment can be made 10 weeks in advance. After making the appointment successfully, the applicants shall visit the Licensing Office concerned at the scheduled time. If the application is submitted by an agent, the agent shall produce his/her own original identity document for record purposes. 
    (Remark: For driving licensing services processing over the counter, if no prior appointment has been made online or by phone, applicants are required to obtain a same-day queue ticket on-site before using the counter services.  Same-day queue tickets are distributed at 9am and 2pm on each working day.)   




Supporting Documents
  1. Document of identity: HK Identity Card/Passport; and

  2. address proof


Validity & Fee

Validity period & fee of driving licence


Payment Method
  • Cash;
  • FPS;
  • EPS; or
  • Crossed cheque payable to “The Government of the HKSAR”.

For application by post / drop-in box, the payment of fee should be settled by crossed cheque.


Processing Time

Depending on submission method:

  • In person to Licensing Office: To be issued on the same day
  • Others: To be sent to applicants by registered mail within 10 working days from the date of receipt of application.
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Last update: 20 Jun 2024
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