Postal Services
By what time do I need to post an Ordinary Post (Surface or Air Mail) mail item to other destinations so that it will be stamped a postmark on the day it is posted? When is the cut off time of mailing? When will a mail item reach the recipient?
By what time do I need to post a SpeedPost so that it will be stamped a postmark on the day it is posted? When is the cut off time of mailing? When will a mail item reach the recipient?
Are there any prohibitions on mail items?
After receiving a Mail Collection Notification Card, what documents do I need to bring with to collect the mails at Post Office? Will Post Office arrange another delivery or can I collect the mail at another Post Office?
Can the Post Office redirect mails sent to old address to a new address? How to apply for redirection service?
Where can I find the Post Offices or Street Posting Boxes? What is the opening hour of the Post Offices?