Rating and Valuation Department
How to change the payer's particulars shown on the Rates and Government Rent demand note?
How many times should Rates and Government Rent be paid in a year? When do I receive the demand note? How to obtain replacement copy of a missing demand note?
How to setup, cancel or modify the autopay instruction for Rates and Government Rent payments?
How to get a refund if I have overpaid the rates and Government rent?
Why does my demand note still include the rates and Government rent for last quarter even I have paid the amount already?
I just let my property. Is it necessary to submit the Form CR109 to the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD)?
I received a “Requisition for Particulars of Tenements” (Form R1A) from the Rating and Valuation Department . Why do I need to complete this?
I received a “Requisition for Particulars of Tenements” (Form R1A) from the Rating and Valuation Department, who should fill in and sign the requisition form?
I received a “Requisition for Particulars of Tenements” (Form R1A) from the Rating and Valuation Department , how can I return the requisition form to the RVD? How can I know if my submitted requisition form is well received?
I received a “Requisition for Particulars of Tenements” (Form R1A) from the Rating and Valuation Department, what can I do if there is incorrect information on requisition form?